


以前发过一个编辑和发送Outlook邮件的Excel/VBA脚本。最近公司不让用Outlook,强制使用IBM Lotus Notes,我又写了一个编辑和发送Lotus邮件的VBA脚本。



' 通过Lotus发送邮件'' SendMailWithLotus(vaRecipient, emailTitle, emailBody, attachments, sentOut, sheetRange)'' vaRecipient:接收人列表,为一个字符串;或者为字符串数组(下表从0开始),数组第一个元素' 为接收人名单,第二个元素(若有)为抄送人名单,第三个元素(若有)为暗送人名单' emailTitle:邮件标题' emailBody:邮件正文,目前只支持文本' attachments:为一个数组,数组每个元素都是各个附件的文件名(带路径)' sentOut:是否自动发送。默认为不自动发送,Lotus会停留在待发送界面' sheetRange:一个Excel.Range对象,Lotus会把该区域粘贴到邮件内容里。'' Author: zhang@zhiqiang.org, version: 2012-09-23' url: http://zhiqiang.org/blog/it/send-email-with-lotus.htmlPublic Function SendMailWithLotus( _        Optional vaRecipient As Variant = "zhang@zhiqiang.org", _        Optional emailTitle As String = "Test VBA with Lotus", _        Optional emailBody As String = "", Optional vaFiles As Variant, _        Optional sentOut = False, Optional sheetRange = "")    Dim noSession As Object, noDatabase As Object, noDocument As Object    Dim noAttachment As Object, i As Long    Dim richTextBody As Object, tempObject As Object, ws As Object    Const EMBED_ATTACHMENT = 1454    ' 如果需要手动选取附件,保留下面一行语句    ' vaFiles = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:= _    '   "Excel Filer (*.xls),*.xls", _    '   Title:="Attach files for outgoing E_Mail", MultiSelect:=True)    ' If Not IsArray(vaFiles) Then Exit Function     Set noSession = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")    Set ws = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")    Set noDatabase = noSession.GETDATABASE("", "")    If noDatabase.IsOpen = False Then noDatabase.OPENMAIL    Set noDocument = noDatabase.createdocument    Set noAttachment = noDocument.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("attachment")    Set richTextBody = noDocument.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Body")    If IsArray(vaFiles) Then        With noAttachment            For i = LBound(vaFiles) To UBound(vaFiles)                .EmbedObject EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", vaFiles(i)            Next i        End With    End If    With noDocument        .Form = "Memo"        If IsArray(vaRecipient) Then            .sendto = vaRecipient(0)            If UBound(vaRecipient) >= 1 Then                .CopyTo = vaRecipient(1)            End If            If UBound(vaRecipient) >= 2 Then                .BlindCopyTo = vaRecipient(2)            End If        Else            .sendto = vaRecipient        End If        .subject = emailTitle        .SAVEMESSAGEONSEND = True        .PostedDate = Now() - 100        '         .SEND 0, vaRecipient    End With     Dim uidoc As Object    Set uidoc = ws.EDITDOCUMENT(True, noDocument)         If IsObject(sheetRange) Then        Call uidoc.GOTOFIELD("Body")        sheetRange.Copy        uidoc.Paste    End If        Call uidoc.GOTOFIELD("Body")    uidoc.INSERTTEXT emailBody & vbCrLf & vbCrLf        Call uidoc.Save    noDocument.Save True, True    If sentOut Then        Call uidoc.Close        noDocument.send True ' 这里不太好使,原因未知    End If        Set noDocument = Nothing    Set noDatabase = Nothing    Set noSession = Nothing    Set ws = Nothing    Set tempObject = Nothing    Set uidoc = Nothing    Set richTextBody = Nothing    ' MsgBox "This file is send  OK", vbInformationEnd Function



